トップページ > 学校紹介 > 本校の国際交流 > 日仏交換留学生ホームステイ in フランス




My name is Christine Tran.

I am Vietnamese but I was born and raised in Australia.

In the future I hope to go to university and work in the medical field. In Japan, I hope to improve my speaking and writing skills, experience the culture and make lifelong friends.


2016年1月20日(最終日)  須磨ノ浦での最後の日


Today was my last day at Sumanoura Girls’ High School. The day started off with a bit of snow in the morning and it was the coldest I’ve ever experienced. We watched a movie in English class called ‘Soul Surfer’. In period 6, the girls and I headed off to the cooking room. We were given many sweets and drinks. Everyone had a great time talking and I had a good time getting to know everyone. Whilst talking, the principal walked in and gave me a gift. I was a bit surprised. I would like to thank him for the gift! After that, I was given presents from Mr Matsumoto and Ms Yamaguchi! I would also like to thank these two teachers. The gifts were very cute and I like them very much. Lastly were presents from the girls of 7-kumi. I received a variety of things, such as a kendama, a Sasuke file holder, and sushi earrings. I also received big cards of messages on them. I thought these were really cute! I would like to thank everyone in 7-kumi for their time and effort for these past two months. I really appreciate their warmth and kindness. It is a shame that I have to leave so soon. I really wanted to get to know everyone a bit more. To everyone in Sumanoura Girls’ High School, thank you for making my stay in Japan an unforgettable one! 
今日は須磨ノ浦高校での最後の日でした。午前中は少し雪が降って、経験したことのないほどの寒さでした。英語の時間では‘ソウル・サーファー’という映画を鑑賞しました。6時間目、クラスのみんなと急いで調理室へ。いっぱいお菓子や飲み物をもらって、たくさんおしゃべりをして、本当にすごく楽しく過ごしました。 校長先生もいらしてプレゼントを下さいました。ちょっとビックリです。ありがとうございました。松本先生や山口先生からもプレゼントを頂きました。お二人の先生方もありがとうございました。プレゼントはどれも可愛くて気に入りました。 7組の人たちからのプレゼントはいろんなものが入っていました・・・けん玉、サスケのフォルダー、そしてお鮨の形をしたイヤリングなどです。みんながメッセージを書いてくれた色紙ももらいました。 この2ヶ月間、7組の人たちには本当にお世話になりありがとうございました。温かく、とても親切な皆さんに心から感謝しています。こんなに早くお別れするのは残念で、もっとみなさんのことを知りたかったです。 須磨ノ浦高校の全てのみなさん、私の日本滞在を絶対に忘れられないものにしてくださって本当にありがとうございました。

2016年1月19日  折り紙

In Japanese history class today, the girls and I in 7-kumi were able to do origami. The teacher gave us many colours and patterns to choose from. We had chopstick covers which I thought were really cute. Ms Owari gave me a few gifts too. I would like to thank her for these souvenirs! After making the chopstick covers, everyone in the class began to make other origami designs. We made shurikens and paper cranes. By the end of the lesson, my table was covered in everyone’s origami creations! Thank you so much 7-kumi! They are very cute! 
日本史の時間に、先生からいろんな色や柄の紙をもらって折り紙をしました。箸袋を作ったのですが、とっても可愛かったです。尾張先生は私にプレゼントを下さいました。先生、お土産、ありがとうございました! 箸袋を作り終わると、クラスの人たちが様々な形の折り紙を折りだしました。手裏剣とか鶴です。授業が終わる頃には、私の机の上はみんなからもらった折り紙の作品でいっぱい。7組のみなさん、本当にありがとう!みんなとっても素敵!

2016年1月14日  体育の授業
Today the girls in my class and I had sports. We started off the lesson with a warm up and stretches. After doing so, we were able to use the godan. As this was my first time using it, it was quite daunting at first. There were two stations, a shorter godan – and a taller godan. Of course it was logical for me to choose the shorter one. We jumped over the godan one by one, and gradually increased the height of the godan as the time went by. It was very fun having sports with these girls!

2016年1月13日  福祉のクラスの授業に参加

Today I visited another classroom. The class is mainly focused around welfare. We started off the class with self-introductions and talked about each other’s hobbies, favorite artists and etc. After doing so, we began playing mini games that involved coordination and much focus. They were games that involved using beats and being able to work around those beats that were used in the music. Everyone was very nice and welcoming. I hope to see everyone again on Friday.

2016年1月12日  新学期がはじまりました。
For New Year’s it was my host sister’s birthday. At 12am in the morning we went to the temple to ring the bell. At 4am, I had to wake up to go to Sumaura Koen to watch the sunrise. It was very crowded and everyone was in high spirits. A few days after New Year’s, I went to Nara, Osaka and visited my local temple in Kobe many times. Though it was tiring at times, it was really fun.

Today we started school. Everyone in class was eager to start learning new things. The girls in my class sat an English and Japanese in periods 1 and 2. In period 6, we had English class taught by Ms. Yamaguchi. In today’s class, I was able to help give model pronunciations in English.



2015年12月24日  クリスマスイブ

Today the class and I celebrated Christmas Eve. We made mashed potatoes, pasta, chicken and mushroom sauce, and we even got the chance to decorate a cake. My group, group 1, made Santa Claus out of strawberries and whipped cream. I thought it looked really cute. They were all very delicious to eat and very fun to make. Thank you to Ms. Morimoto for helping us create these yummy dishes. Merry Christmas!

2015年12月17日  兵庫大学附属須磨幼稚園へ

Today I visited the kindergarten again. I was greeted with many smiles as I walked into the classroom. The children were very lively and energetic. We played for around two hours and after that I taught the students how to sing ‘Twinkle Twinkle’ in English. It was very fun and enjoyable to hear them sing together. After that, the children made little letters to their parents and drew all different kinds of pictures.

2015年12月16日  剣道部の練習に参加

In the morning, Rie lead me into a kendo classroom – where she was able to lend me some kendo uniform for the day. After assisting me with putting it on, she led me into the gymnasium. There were five girls altogether, Rin, Yurika, Rie, Haruka and I. The girls were very welcoming and supportive! Rin was kind enough to teach me the basics of kendo. As a group, we did many different kinds of drills for around an hour. At around 10.30am, we started practicing versing each other and I got to wear the headpiece and gauntlets. The girls in the group, as well as sensei are all very nice and made my first kendo experience an unforgettable one!

2015年12月15日  兵庫大学附属須磨幼稚園へ

December 15th, 2015
In the morning, myself and two classmates volunteered to work at a kindergarten. When we arrived at the kindergarten, all of the children were full of energy. We played in the classroom for a bit until we had to go to an assembly. The principal did some magic tricks, teachers sang songs and played hand bells, the children sang Christmas songs and even Santa himself made an appearance. It was really interesting and I hope to come back on Thursday for another day filled with fun.


2015年12月14日  クラスのみんなと

December 14th, 2015
Today’s day started off with getting back exam results from teachers and going over mistakes. In period two, the students went off into the computer labs to watch educational videos on topics such as Japanese, mathematics and English. After finishing the period, the girls and I came back into the homeroom and were surprised with gifts from Mr. Matsumoto.


2015年12月11日  釈尊成道会に参加

11th of December, 2015
Today at Sumanoura High School, a guest speaker made an appearance in the school’s hall. His name was Shikata Shyodo. The gathering was commenced with many songs such as ‘Sankie’, ‘Sandannouta’ and etcetera sung by the school choir and the students themselves, and had many lit candles and flowers presented to the chairman. The students who presented the flowers were student council presidents.
Shikata Shyodo talked about things such as war. During three days, NHK tried to broadcast the song ‘Bonfire’. In two days, the song was broadcasted, however during the last day, the song was unable to be played because of the negative impacts it had on the children. He also talked about how the war affected not only humans but other animals.
It was a very interesting and informational speech and many of the students enjoyed listening to him talk.

今日、須磨ノ浦高校では、鹿多証道(しかたしょうどう)先生を講師にお迎えして式典が行われました。聖歌隊や生徒達の歌う‘三帰依’や‘さんだんの歌’などの歌で始まり、灯りがともされたろうそくやたくさんの美しい花が捧げられ、生徒会長による献花がありました。 鹿多証道先生は戦争のことなどについてお話をされました。NHKは童謡‘焚き火’を三日間放送しようとして、はじめの二日間は流すことが出来たのですが、最後の日になって、子どもたちにあまりいい影響を与えないという理由で流すことは出来なかったそうです。先生は、戦争は人間だけではなく、動物にも影響を及ぼしてしまうというお話もされました。 とても興味深くまた示唆にとんだ講演で、みんな聞き入っていました

2015年12月10日 ギタリストの木村モモさん(須磨ノ浦卒業生)コンサート

10th of December, 2015
Today the Sumanoura High School students were presented with an amazing performance from Japan’s number one woman guitarist Momo and an accompanying pianist.
The music pieces were played tremendously well and all of the students were captivated.
The students are very grateful to have these two musicians perform at our school and are thankful to have experienced something as great as this.

今日は須磨ノ浦高校生の皆さんと共に日本一の女性ギターリスト“木村モモ”さんとピアニストの方の素晴らしい演奏を聞かせていただきました。 その音楽の一つ一つは最高に素晴らしく、私も含め生徒全員が魅了されていました。 このような素晴らしい経験をさせていただいた学校に大変ありがたく思います。またこのよう素晴らしい経験をさせていただいたミュージシャンのお二人に本当に感謝します。

2015年12月7日~9日 神戸国際中学・高等学校へ




2015年12月3日  絵はがきに挑戦 
